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5 things that happen to your body after giving birth
A Lot of changes happen to your body after you’ve given birth. While some are well known and talked about among our peers some are just left unsaid and are only revealed after you’ve delivered. Here are 5 top things that will prepare you for the day after.


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  1. Breasts get bigger – The bras you bought during your pregnancy are most likely not to be the right fit for you after you give birth. Once you’ve given birth, estrogen and progesterone levels drop, and prolactin, the hormone that helps you make breast milk, kicks in. This change usually makes your boobs even bigger than they were during pregnancy. This happens due to increased blood flow and milk. so around two to three days after birth your boobs will be hard and sore. If you’re breastfeeding the soreness shall pass within a few days. Rubbing warm packs before breastfeeding and cold packs after can help. In case you’ve decided not to breastfeed it may take a week before the pain fades and so to relieve the pain we recommend ice packs, a snug bra and our famous drops for anti- inflammatory.
  2. Recovery of your vaginal delivery – your uterus has been working very hard during labour and so it needs its time to heal. The process begins the moment you give birth and includes a few important things you need to know : After-pains that are similar to menstrual cramps happen shortly after delivery and last between three to five days. contractions are what help your uterus to shrink back to its true size before birth in most cases it happens within 6 weeks. the entire area of your crotch will be swollen, bloody and bruised don’t panic, it shall pass within six to eight weeks. If you’re expecting a C- section expect a swollen and sore belly for the next few weeks remember rest is your friend.
  3. Face and Hair – The change in hormone levels will affect your facial skin as well as your hair. for skin changes such as pigmentation, dry skin, acne can make you feel a bit Self-consciousness but don’t worry as long as you don’t neglect these changes and see the right Doc for it they won’t last long. As for your hair it’s quite normal to lose up to a third of it , the reason for this is during pregnancy your hair gets fuller due to high hormone levels but a few months after you give birth those hormones fade and begin a brand new phase of growth, so expect baby hairs.
  4. mood swings – during the first few weeks of giving birth you will be very emotional and fragile. it’s only natural your body has been through shock as well as your entire household bringing a first\ another baby home can be a bit hectic at first. you may be forgetful and it’s entirely normal with a lot of rest you’ll be back to your old self again in no time. (in case they last more than a few weeks we recommend you see a professional).
  5. stretch marks– There here to stay so try to embrace them. Around the forth or fifth month of pregnancy some women develop stretch marks on their bellies, thighs, breasts and hips. It might be hard for some of us to accept but since there isn’t really anything you can do to make them go away it’s best to embrace them and look at them as reminders of the beautiful gift that came with them as well as symbols of the magic your body can do.

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